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Top 10 Budget-Friendly Travel Destinations: How to Travel the World on a Shoestring

Top 10 Budget-Friendly Travel Destinations: How to Travel the World on a Shoestring


Top 10 Budget-Friendly Travel Destinations: How to Travel the World on a Shoestring

Travelling is an excellent way to explore new cultures, cuisines, and sights. However, it can often come with a hefty price tag, making it seem out of reach for many people. But don’t worry; you don’t need to be rich to travel the world! With a little research and planning, you can visit some incredible destinations on a shoestring budget. This article has compiled a list of the top 10 budget-friendly travel destinations to help you plan your next adventure.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    1. Thailand
    1. Mexico
    1. Portugal
    1. Cambodia
    1. Indonesia
    1. India
    1. Hungary
    1. Nepal
    1. Romania

    1. Vietnam

  • Conclusion
  • FAQs


Travelling on a budget doesn’t mean sacrificing experiences or quality; it merely means prioritizing your expenses and being mindful of your spending. By choosing budget-friendly destinations, you can stretch your money further and enjoy your travels without worrying about breaking the bank.

This article will share ten budget-friendly travel destinations that offer a great combination of affordability, cultural experiences, and unique attractions. From exotic beaches and stunning scenery to vibrant cities and historical landmarks, these destinations have something to offer every type of traveller.

1. Thailand

Thailand is one of the most popular budget-friendly travel destinations in the world. It has a unique blend of culture, history, and natural beauty that makes it an attractive destination for budget-conscious travellers. The country offers a diverse range of experiences, from exploring Bangkok’s bustling city to relaxing on Phuket’s idyllic beaches.

One of the main reasons Thailand is a budget-friendly destination is the low cost of living. You can find affordable accommodation, food, and transportation options nationwide. Street food is a must-try, and it’s cheap and delicious.

Elephant and schoolboy in Thailand

2. Mexico

Mexico is another budget-friendly destination that offers an array of experiences. From exploring ancient Mayan ruins to relaxing on the beaches of Cancun, there’s something for everyone in Mexico. The country is also known for its vibrant culture, friendly people, and delicious cuisine.

Mexico has many budget-friendly accommodation options, including hostels, guesthouses, and Airbnb rentals. Local buses are also cheap, making it easy to travel between destinations.

3. Portugal

Portugal is a hidden gem in Europe and an excellent budget-friendly travel destination. It offers beautiful beaches, charming towns, and historical landmarks, making it a perfect destination for a budget-friendly vacation.

Portugal is also affordable compared to other European destinations. You can find budget-friendly accommodation options; the food and drink are reasonably priced.

4. Cambodia

Cambodia is an excellent budget-friendly destination for travellers interested in history and culture. The country is home to the magnificent Angkor Wat temple complex, a UNESCO World Heritage site. It’s also known for its beautiful beaches and vibrant nightlife.

Cambodia has a low cost of living, making it easy to travel on a budget. You can find affordable accommodation, food, and transportation options nationwide.

5. Indonesia

Indonesia is a budget-friendly destination with a blend of culture, adventure, and natural beauty. The country has over 17,000 islands, each with unique charm and attractions.

Indonesia is an affordable destination, and you can find budget-friendly accommodation options, including guesthouses and homestays. Street food is also cheap and delicious; you can try various dishes.

6. India

India is a budget-friendly destination with a unique history, culture, and natural beauty blend. From exploring the Taj Mahal to trekking in the Himalayas, there’s something for everyone in India.

India is known for its affordable accommodation options, delicious street food, and budget-friendly transportation options. You can travel around the country on local buses or trains, which are cheap and offer a great way to see the country.

7. Hungary

Hungary is a budget-friendly destination in Europe with a great combination of history, culture, and natural beauty. The country is known for its beautiful architecture, thermal baths, and delicious cuisine.

Hungary is also an affordable destination; you can find budget-friendly accommodation options, including hostels and guesthouses. The local transport is also reasonably priced, making it easy to explore the country.

8. Nepal

Nepal is a budget-friendly destination that offers incredible trekking and adventure experiences. From hiking in the Himalayas to exploring ancient temples and monasteries, Nepal has no shortage of things to do.

Nepal is also an affordable destination; you can find budget-friendly accommodation options, including guesthouses and hostels. The local food is also cheap and delicious, and you can try various dishes.

9. Romania

Romania is a budget-friendly destination in Europe, offering a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. The country is known for its beautiful castles, stunning landscapes, and delicious cuisine.

Romania is an affordable destination, and you can find budget-friendly accommodation options, including hostels and guesthouses. The local transport is also reasonably priced, making it easy to explore the country.

10. Vietnam

Vietnam is a budget-friendly destination in Southeast Asia, offering a great combination of culture, history, and natural beauty. From exploring the bustling cities to relaxing on the beaches, there’s something for everyone in Vietnam.

Vietnam is an affordable destination, and you can find budget-friendly accommodation options, including hostels and guesthouses. The local food is also cheap and delicious, and you can try various dishes.


Travelling on a shoestring budget is possible, and these ten budget-friendly destinations prove it. Choosing affordable destinations allows you to enjoy your travels without worrying about breaking the bank. Whether you’re interested in history, culture, or natural beauty, these destinations offer something for everyone.

So pack your bags, do your research, and get ready to explore the world on a shoestring budget.


  1. Can I travel on a budget and still have a great experience?

Absolutely! Travelling on a budget doesn’t mean sacrificing experiences. With a little research and planning, you can visit incredible destinations and have a great time.

  1. How can I save money while travelling?

You can save money while travelling by choosing affordable destinations, staying in budget-friendly accommodations, eating local food, and using public transportation.

  1. Are there any hidden costs I should be aware of?

Some destinations may have additional fees or taxes you should be aware of, such as tourist or visa fees. Do your research beforehand to avoid any surprises.

  1. Can I still enjoy luxurious experiences on a budget?

Yes! Look for budget-friendly ways to enjoy luxurious experiences, such as finding affordable spa treatments or enjoying a fancy meal during lunchtime when prices are lower.

  1. How can I stay safe while travelling on a budget?

Always be aware of your surroundings and take precautions to keep yourself and your belongings safe. Research the destination beforehand and avoid areas that may be unsafe.